Dinosaurs Science
Triceratops not only could pride itself on its horns for which it took its name but it also had up to 800 teeth.
Gender of Dinosaur
Do you know that calcium content could determine the gender of dinosaur? Calcium was stored in medullary cavity which makes us possibility to determine whether mortal remains belong to a female, in case of higher value, or a male, in case of lower one.
The most solid skull
The biggest hard-headed kind of dinosaur was probably Pachycephalosaurs which skull might be thick up to 25 centimetres in the upper part. The bony protuberances on head served both as a defence system and bragging to females.
The biggest pterodactyl

Quetzalcoatlus was the biggest form of flying reptiles with wingspan about 12 metres as well as the biggest animal able to fly in the prehistoric times.
The biggest eggs

Dinosaurs were oviparous, that you obviously know :-) The largest egg that was found had an average of 45 cm; and it is surprisingly a small size in comparison to adults. This discovery was made in the 90s.
Hollow bones

Just as birds the dinosaurs had hollow bones. Typical representatives of these dinosaurs were theropods and sauropods.
The prey for T-Rex

Do you know what kind of dinosaurs was the most common catch of the dreaded T-Rex? His favourite prey was surprisingly Triceratops. Neither his bony shield nor horns helped him.
Dreaded T-Rex jaws

Can you imagine a tooth 30 cm long and sharp as a razor? Just such a formidable weapon Tyrannosaurus was endowed. These large teeth were not only to hunt for the predator, but also on tearing carcasses, which were also on the menu.
A walking of carnivores

A typical sign of all carnivorous dinosaur-hunters was walking in upright position on their hind legs.
Found dinosaur species

Approximately 300 unique species of dinosaurs have been identified till now; this number has not been final yet, and it will be undoubtedly increased in the course of time. It is contemplated that it is only one tenth as follows described species. On average, every 8 weeks a new one is found and named, previously unknown type of dinosaur.
The longest name of a dinosaur

A dinosaur with the longest name „Micropachycephalosaurus“ (a small thick-headed lizard) was not paradoxically higher than 1 m.
From youth to adulthood

Although the dinosaur cubs could not be equal to adults after their emergence from the egg, all of them were catching up very quickly. For example a Diplodocus cub weighed after its birth only 5 kg. However, it has grown up to a thousand times as much of its original weight about 30 years later.
Deposits of fossils

Not in all places on Earth the conditions were suitable to allow the skeletons of dead animals to fossilize. Nonetheless fossils have been found on every continent of our planet. Most finds so far come from North America.
Amateur fossil hunters

There is a great number of professional paleontological teams everywhere, but the amateur ones are even more. The largest amount of finds falls on the account of amateur fossil hunters.

Not only fossilized remains of dinosaurs predicate about their way of life. For example, we can recognize that some Theropods were able to run a speed greater than 40 km per hour thanks to the preserved prints of the feet.